Technical writers challenge: why web3 matters.

6 min readJan 22, 2023


Cracka 2023


Web3.0 is the next evolution of the internet, but it’s so much more than that. It’s a way to decentralize everything and make it all transparent, with no middlemen or intermediaries standing between you and your data or information. With web3, we can control our personal data and identities in ways that nobody has ever been able to before. But there are many other aspects of life that will be revolutionized by this new technology: contracts, business models, organizations — just about everything!

The advent of decentralization, the internet 3.0

In the past, the internet was a centralized platform. It was controlled by large companies that owned the infrastructure, and it was difficult for people to build new tools on top of it. The “web3” is a decentralized internet where anyone can run their own applications or websites without needing permission from big companies like Facebook or Google. Web3 is also called “the internet 3.0” because it’s a completely new way of thinking about how we use technology — it’s not just an improvement over what came before but rather something entirely different (like how desktop computers replaced typewriters).

The key difference between web 2.0 and web 3.0 is blockchain technology; a decentralized platform where users are sharing information securely in a peer-to-peer environment without any central authority or trust requirement among parties because transactions are digitally signed, verified, and recorded in blocks of data that are linked to one another through their cryptographic hash functions. This means that trust isn’t dependent solely upon one central entity anymore (like Google with its search engine results), but instead relies upon consensus among multiple parties who all agree on which values should take precedence over others when deciding whether or not something should be considered true based off their own experience looking through previous entries within each record set; thus ensuring greater transparency around what information should be trusted most highly versus less so — all thanks again due largely towards decentralization itself being implemented into our daily lives now!

Cracka 2023

A decentralized internet is a better internet

The internet is a powerful tool that has changed the way we connect, collaborate and create. But it’s also been plagued by problems like centralization, censorship and security breaches.

A decentralized internet could improve all of these things — and more. Here’s why:

  • To start, decentralization means less censorship. If you’re using a centralized service like Facebook or Twitter to communicate with your friends or followers (and you are), then you’re giving up control over what gets published on their servers — and if those servers were ever compromised by hackers or government officials who demand access to user data, there would be little hope for privacy protection against those intrusions either. In other words: centralizing power in one place often leads to abuse of power in another place.

The most valuable asset at the moment is trust

The most valuable asset at the moment is trust.

Trust is a key requirement for any kind of transaction, be it financial or social. It’s hard to establish and easy to lose — as such, your business needs to ensure that its customers are comfortable with their experience. But trust isn’t just about people — it’s also about technology. A user who trusts that the website they’re visiting will help them connect with someone they need has already made an investment in trusting their device, network and other technologies involved in the process. When you can make users and companies feel safe with each other, transactions benefit everyone.

Cracka 2023

Blockchain is not a game

While blockchain is a fun and engaging technology, it is not a game. Blockchain will change the world as we know it. While some may think that blockchain is just a passing fad, I’m here to tell you that this technology has the power to transform our entire society — and even make it better.

Blockchain isn’t just about games — it’s about building trust between strangers online without trusting central authorities like banks or governments.

The current tech ecosystem is not at its best version

The current tech ecosystem is not at its best version. This is because it is not decentralized and it’s not open source.

This isn’t to say there aren’t great things happening in the world of technology, but much of what’s been built over the last decade or so has been for profit — which means there are many barriers between users and creators, leading to less transparency than we’d like about how our data is being used and how our apps work on the backend. The next generation of web3 technologies will change this by giving users more control over their data, allowing them to make more informed decisions about what they do online.

Open source and community are key

Open source projects are the best way to build a community.

This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many companies still don’t get it. In order to build trust and cooperation with your users, you need to share at least some of your work with them. If you don’t, they won’t trust that you care about their needs or that they can rely on your product. Open source projects are also an excellent way for new contributors to learn the ropes; in fact, they often form the foundation for great careers in tech.

Open source is also an excellent way of building products because it gives people freedom over how their software works: freedom from vendor lock-in; freedom from being forced into proprietary standards; freedom from having bugs fixed behind closed doors without anyone knowing about them until it’s too late — these are all things open source helps avoid!

Cracka 2023

From DAOs to DAICOs, programable organizations

In the same way that DAOs are decentralized autonomous organizations, DAICOs are decentralized autonomous investment companies. A DAICO is a new way for projects to receive funding from the crypto space, but it’s different from an ICO.

In a traditional ICO, money is raised by selling tokens to investors who want to participate in building out a blockchain project and/or use its platform once it’s built out. The money raised will be held by the team behind the project until they deliver what they promised. Then investors can sell their tokens on exchanges if they choose (and have time).

In contrast, during a DAICO — which is just like an ICO except with some extra rules added — investors have more control over when they get paid back if those checkpoints aren’t met by those running the project.

Web3, crypto and NFTs are just the beginning of how technology will revolutionize every aspect of our digital lives, don’t miss out.

Web3 is a new decentralized internet. It is an ecosystem of open-source technologies, apps and standards that together aim to replace the current model of web 2.0 with one based on decentralization and ownership. The two most important pieces of infrastructure in this new internet are cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), more commonly known as digital collectibles.

In addition to Smart contracts and IPFS, the web3 stack includes many tools that could be used for a variety of applications: DApps (decentralized apps) and wallets. As this technology progresses and becomes more advanced, it will continue to innovate new ways in which people can connect with each other.

Cracka 2023


The future is bright and exciting, but we need to be ready. The first step is to understand the technology behind it all. Learn, connect, and grow with communities building out the future of the internet.

Join Alchemy University and learn from other builders as we push the boundaries of this technology together.




Written by Cracka

💙-Alchemy University Technical Writing Apprentice 🔵-Chainlink Academy Alumni 💚-Growic Solidity Cohort 04

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